Friday 26 May 2023


I believe in one God, the Creator of all, who is loving, merciful, and just.

I believe in the existence of a single divine being who is the source of all creation. This God is characterized by boundless love, mercy, and justice. This belief acknowledges the oneness of God and the understanding that all of creation is intricately connected through this divine Creator. The concept of a loving God teaches us to embrace compassion and empathy towards others, while the mercy of God reminds us of the forgiveness and second chances available to us. Additionally, the just nature of God inspires us to strive for fairness and righteousness in our actions and interactions with others.

I believe in love and compassion, embracing the commandment to love God with all our being and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Love and compassion are central tenets of our faith. We recognize the commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, acknowledging that our relationship with the divine is rooted in a profound love and devotion. This love extends beyond our personal connection with God and encompasses our relationships with fellow human beings. We are called to treat others with the same love and care that we have for ourselves, fostering a sense of empathy, understanding, and kindness. By embracing love and compassion, we seek to create a world filled with harmony, where all individuals are valued and supported.

I believe in seeking justice and fairness, upholding the inherent equality of all human beings, regardless of race, ethnicity, or social status.

Justice and fairness are essential principles in our faith. We believe that every human being possesses inherent dignity and worth, regardless of their background. We are called to advocate for justice and stand against oppression, discrimination, and inequality. In our pursuit of justice, we strive to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or social status. This commitment to justice encourages us to address systemic issues, promote equal opportunities, and work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

I believe in the pursuit of truth, honesty, and integrity, recognizing that speaking the truth and acting justly are beloved by God.

Truth, honesty, and integrity form the bedrock of our faith. We understand that truth is a divine attribute and that seeking truth is a lifelong journey. We are called to embrace honesty in our interactions, both with ourselves and with others. Honesty requires us to be sincere and truthful in our words and actions, aligning ourselves with the higher principles upheld by our faith. By upholding truth and acting with integrity, we honor the divine and strive to build trust and harmony in our communities.

I believe in the sacredness of peace and unity, striving to be peacemakers and fostering brotherhood and sisterhood among all believers.

Peace and unity hold great significance in our faith. We believe that peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of harmony and reconciliation. As believers, we are called to be peacemakers, actively seeking ways to resolve conflicts and promote understanding. We recognize that we are all part of one human family, and fostering a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among all believers is essential. By nurturing peace and unity, we contribute to a world where compassion, empathy, and respect are the guiding principles.

I believe in the interconnectedness of all life, valuing the preservation and protection of the environment and treating all living beings with kindness and respect.

The interconnectedness of all life is a fundamental principle of our faith. We recognize that every living being is part of a delicate web of existence, and our actions have a profound impact on the world around us. We strive to be stewards of the Earth, valuing the preservation and protection of the environment. Our commitment to environmental responsibility includes sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and promoting harmony with the natural world. Furthermore, we believe in treating all living beings with kindness and respect, acknowledging the inherent worth and rights of every creature.

I believe in the power of wisdom and reconciliation, seeking to resolve conflicts through peaceful means and embracing the guidance of the Divine.

Wisdom and reconciliation are cherished virtues in our faith. We recognize the value of seeking knowledge, guidance, and understanding through the pursuit of wisdom. Wisdom enables us to make sound judgments and decisions, rooted in deep reflection and understanding. Additionally, we are called to embrace the path of reconciliation, seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts and disagreements. By fostering dialogue, understanding, and forgiveness, we can heal divisions and build bridges of unity. We believe that the divine guidance provided by our faith serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path of wisdom and reconciliation.

I believe in the importance of self-reflection and personal growth, journeying towards a deeper understanding of our faith and aligning ourselves with the divine harmony.

Self-reflection and personal growth are essential elements of our faith. We understand that the journey of faith is ongoing and requires introspection and self-evaluation. Through self-reflection, we seek to deepen our understanding of our faith, the divine teachings, and their application in our lives. This process of self-discovery allows us to align ourselves with the divine harmony and live in accordance with the values and principles upheld by our faith. Personal growth involves nurturing virtues, developing character, and striving for spiritual maturity, enabling us to make a positive impact in the world around us.

I believe in the diversity of human experience and the richness of cultural expressions, celebrating our differences while recognizing our shared humanity.

The diversity of human experience and the richness of cultural expressions are embraced and celebrated in our faith. We recognize that each individual brings a unique perspective and contributes to the tapestry of humanity. We appreciate the beauty of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, recognizing that they enrich our collective understanding of the world. While celebrating our differences, we also acknowledge our shared humanity, emphasizing the universal values that unite us. This inclusive outlook fosters a sense of respect, acceptance, and cooperation, creating a harmonious environment where all are valued and celebrated.

I believe in the power of prayer, meditation, and contemplation to connect with the Divine and find solace, guidance, and strength.

Prayer, meditation, and contemplation are powerful tools for spiritual connection in our faith. Through prayer, we communicate with the Divine, expressing our gratitude, seeking guidance, and offering supplication. Meditation allows us to quiet our minds, find inner peace, and deepen our connection with the divine presence within us and around us. Contemplation of divine teachings, nature, and the mysteries of existence opens our hearts and minds to receive spiritual insights and gain a deeper understanding of the divine wisdom. Through these practices, we find solace in times of challenge, guidance in times of confusion, and strength to navigate the complexities of life.

I commit myself to living a life of service, compassion, and love, dedicated to promoting harmony, justice, and peace in the world.

We commit ourselves to a life of service, compassion, and love as an expression of our faith. Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life, we understand that our actions impact the well-being of others. We strive to serve humanity with selflessness, recognizing the inherent dignity of every person. Our commitment to compassion and love extends beyond our immediate communities, encompassing all of humanity. We dedicate ourselves to promoting harmony, justice, and peace, working towards a world where all individuals can thrive and live in accordance with the divine principles of our faith.

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